Creating Pathways Toward Conflict Transformation
Mediation is a voluntary process under which an impartial person, the mediator, facilitates communication between the parties to promote reconciliation, settlement or understanding among them.
The mediator serves as an impartial third-party to facilitate communications between the parties and guide them through the mediation process in an effort to resolve disputed issues and reach an agreement. A mediator does not have the authority to decide any issue for the parties or to compel the parties to settle
Half Day (Up to 4 hours) $475 per party
Full Day (Up to 8 hours) $750 per party
Upon execution of the agreement, a $150 non-refundable deposit per party is due. The balance of the fee is due 14 calendar days prior to the mediation.
Should the need arise to reschedule, a $125 per party fee will be due if the request is made within 5 days of the start of the mediation.
If an extension of a mediation session is agreed upon by all participants, the cost is $100 per party, per party per hour, due at the close of the mediation.
If the parties request follow up, then time will be charged at the hourly rate of $100 per hour, divided equally between the parties
Cancellations five days or more prior to the mediation will be refunded at 50% of the total fee. No refunds will be made if cancelled within 5 days of the mediation.
Please Note:
We are not acting as attorneys, lawyers, or giving legal advice. Please read the website carefully. If you choose to work with us, we will be acting as your mediators.
For questions or to schedule your mediation, Call (512) 693-9090 or Email us at: info@encompassconflict.com